What people don’t tell you…#1
I’m starting something new. I am going to touch upon some of the things in life that people just don’t tell you until it happens to you. THEN everyone says “oh yea I knew that!” The first one is babies...
View ArticleMy baby is turning one!
Now that the craziness of the last few months is over I can concentrate on one thing…. My son’s first birthday. I can’t believe that its just a few months away. This has been the fastest year yet. I...
View ArticleHappy Birthday To My Little Man – Part 2
I SO hoped to get this post up last week but I was so super busy that it didn’t happen. Saturday was J’s 1st birthday party… well on Thursday we found out that the sewer line that is connected to the...
View ArticleI like my insides and my outsides….well? Maybe
I like who I am on the inside. I struggle with who I am on the outside. I think everyone does even if its just a little bit. I have been working on liking myself for a long time. I am slowly coming...
View ArticleMartha Stewart inspired Creamer
I am SUPER excited about this post. I love Martha Stewart’s craft line. The woman may be a bitch little hard to work with but, she makes an amazing product. I saved for a few weeks to buy a couple of...
View ArticleWashi Tape Storage Jars!
This post will BLOW you away… okay maybe not, but I think its pretty cute and a good way to recycle. I took the jars and cleaned them all up… I then sorted my buttons by color…. and finally I covered...
View Article“Watercolor” Cup
I saw a project on Pinterest the other day and had to try it right away. It showed a mug that appeared to have been water-colored with nail polish! Items needed: White Ceramic Mug Bowl (Disposable is...
View ArticleMinion cupcakes for my boy
My son J just turned 3 The other day. The older he gets the sadder I get. He isn’t my baby anymore and as excited I am to see him grow up I can’t help but wish he would stay little forever. Here is my...
View ArticleWhite frames are just out…
My in-laws live downstairs from us and recently moved their living room around. They now have the TV on the accent wall that is a lovely dark blue. They also moved their pictures around and hung some...
View ArticleWhat people don’t tell you…#1
I’m starting something new. I am going to touch upon some of the things in life that people just don’t tell you until it happens to you. THEN everyone says “oh yea I knew that!” The first one is babies...
View ArticleI like my insides and my outsides….well? Maybe
I like who I am on the inside. I struggle with who I am on the outside. I think everyone does even if its just a little bit. I have been working on liking myself for a long time. I am slowly coming...
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